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Factors determining the intension to reuse, separate and compost household waste in the city of Santiago de Cuba

Tamas, A; Mosler, Hans-Joachim; Tobias, Robert (2005). Factors determining the intension to reuse, separate and compost household waste in the city of Santiago de Cuba. In: Caballero Rodríguez, T; Guzmán Miranda, O. Waste: The Social Context (2005). Edmonton: Edmonton Waste Management Centre of Excellence, 736-744.


Although there exists an official state-run recycling system in Cuba, it has been partly inefficiently and not exceeded its possibilities. Additionally a problem with not recycled waste occurs, because Cuba has like most developing countries no treatment strategy of household waste except of simple landfill sites. In order to mitigate the effects of the situation an investigation was conducted into social elimination strategies: how can household waste that goes to the landfills be reduced by changing people's behaviour? Three types of behaviours were the primary focus: reuse, separation, and compost. Based on the 'Theory of Planned Behaviour' (Ajzen, 1991) one needs to understand key factors influencing people's intention like attitude, social norm and perceived behavioural control. Data from approx. 350 households was collected for each of the type of behaviour. Using this, a modified version of the TPB with AMOS was calculated. The statistical routines used by AMOS are based on structural equation modelling. The results concluded that all of the factors mentioned above are influencing the behavioural intention. However, influence patterns are different for different types of behaviour. Using the results as a core basis, interventions specifically targeted at the various determinants of behaviours, are developed.

Additional indexing

Item Type:Book Section, refereed, further contribution
Communities & Collections:06 Faculty of Arts > Institute of Psychology
Dewey Decimal Classification:150 Psychology
Deposited On:29 Jan 2016 12:07
Last Modified:25 Feb 2021 10:18
Publisher:Edmonton Waste Management Centre of Excellence
OA Status:Closed
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