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Scaling Up Democracy with E-Collection?

Serdült, Uwe; Mendez, Fernando; Harris, Maya; Su Seo, Hyeon (2016). Scaling Up Democracy with E-Collection? In: CeDem 2016 Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government 2015, Danube University Krems, Austria, 18 May 2016 - 20 May 2016. s.n., 25-31.


In most advanced democracies there is a host of ancillary participatory instruments that operate "between elections". The aim of such participatory instruments is to allow citizens to put new issues on the policy agenda. The range of so-called "between election" participatory instruments that are the focus of this paper can be grouped around three basic categories, the petition, the agenda initiative and the citizens' initiative. This paper deals mostly with the extent to which new technologies are used to enhance the functioning of the endorsement mechanism, so called e-collecting. Our core argument is that harnessing the full potential of the "e" dimension, especially the e-collecting aspect, will be conditional on two factors: (1) the specificity of the participatory instrument and (2) the institutionalization of the instrument, namely whether it is an established instrument or whether it is a recently introduces democratic innovation.

Additional indexing

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper), not_refereed, original work
Communities & Collections:02 Faculty of Law > Centre for Democracy Studies Aarau (C2D)
08 Research Priority Programs > Digital Society Initiative
Dewey Decimal Classification:340 Law
Scopus Subject Areas:Physical Sciences > Computer Science Applications
Physical Sciences > Information Systems
Uncontrolled Keywords:e-democracy, e-participation, e-petition, e-collection
Event End Date:20 May 2016
Deposited On:27 May 2016 06:13
Last Modified:03 Feb 2022 08:06
OA Status:Green
Publisher DOI:

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9 citations in Web of Science®
6 citations in Scopus®
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