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Il marcamento di genere iperdifferenziato sui numerali e i residui del neutro nei volgari settentrionali antichi

Loporcaro, Michele; Tomasin, Lorenzo (2016). Il marcamento di genere iperdifferenziato sui numerali e i residui del neutro nei volgari settentrionali antichi. Lingua e stile, 1:37-64.


In this paper we sift the evidence for overdifferentiated gender marking on numerals in Medieval Italo-Romance. While the dialects of most of Northern Italy still preserve a masculine vs feminine contrast on 'two' and 'three' to this day, their ancestors in the Middle Ages featured an additional third form of each ("doa", "trea"). These forms, it is argued, are not innovations - as some have claimed - but are rather the legitimate outcome of previously regular neuter agreeing forms which can be traced directly back to (late) Latin. By the time the earliest extant documentation of Northern Italo-Romance emerged, these neuter forms of numerals were quite isolated in their respective systems, as neuter agreement had long been eliminated on other agreement targets. Such isolation made the occurrence of "doa" (alongside masc. "doi" and fem. "doe") a case of overdifferentiated gender marking.

Additional indexing

Item Type:Journal Article, refereed, original work
Communities & Collections:06 Faculty of Arts > Institute of Romance Studies
08 Research Priority Programs > Language and Space
Dewey Decimal Classification:800 Literature, rhetoric & criticism
470 Latin & Italic languages
410 Linguistics
440 French & related languages
460 Spanish & Portuguese languages
450 Italian, Romanian & related languages
Scopus Subject Areas:Social Sciences & Humanities > Language and Linguistics
Social Sciences & Humanities > Philosophy
Social Sciences & Humanities > Linguistics and Language
Social Sciences & Humanities > Literature and Literary Theory
Date:April 2016
Deposited On:30 Aug 2016 13:18
Last Modified:14 Aug 2024 03:30
OA Status:Closed
Publisher DOI:
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