A speech signal can be viewed as a high frequency carrier signal containing the temporal fine structure (TFS) that is modulated by a low frequency envelope (ENV). A widely used method to decompose a speech signal into the TFS and ENV is the Hilbert transform. Although this method has been available for about one century and is widely applied in various kinds of speech processing tasks (e.g. speech chimeras), there are only very few speech processing packages that contain readily available functions for the Hilbert transform, and there is very little textbook type literature tailored for speech scientists to explain the processes behind the transform. With this paper we provide the code for carrying out the Hilbert operation to obtain the TFS and ENV in the widely used speech processing software Praat, and explain the basics of the procedure. To verify our code, we compare the Hilbert transform in Praat with a widely applied function for the same purpose in MATLAB (“hilbert(...)”). We can confirm that both methods arrive at identical outputs.