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Häufigkeiten von Erkrankungen und Verletzungen in der Schweizer Pferdepopulation

Knubben, J M; Gygax, Lorenz; Auer, Jörg; Fürst, Anton; Stauffacher, Markus (2008). Häufigkeiten von Erkrankungen und Verletzungen in der Schweizer Pferdepopulation. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 150(8):399-408.


Through a written questionnaire, which was sent to a representantively distributed and randomly selected sample of Swiss horse owners, data of 2912 horses and ponies were acquired to extrapolate prevalence data of health disorders. General questions about the horse and associated factors of housing and use, as well as questions about the current health status and the occurrence of diseases and injuries had been asked. 718 horses (24.7 % of the sample) had been examined by a veterinarian within the 12 months prior to the survey. Orthopaedic and traumatic disorders (41.5 %) had the largest proportion, followed by gastrointestinal (27.1 %) and respiratory (14.0 %) diseases. Half of the lameness cases occurred as a direct consequence of an injury. The injuries associated with pasture/paddock (38.1 %), kicking and biting (21.6 %), boxstall (7.8 %), terrain and hacking (13.4 %), training (3.5 %), competition (3.5 %), transportation (3.0 %) or other circumstances (9.1 %). A change in feeding management up to 4 weeks before development of a colic episode occurred in 26.5 % of all colic cases. In 13.8 % of all respiratory cases the same disease was diagnosed in other horses in the same barn. 8.1 % of all cases had to be treated surgically, 6.7 % required hospitalization for several days. Information about diagnostic or therapeutic procedures was related to specific disease categories. In 25.6 % of all cases diagnosed by a veterinarian, alternative therapeutic methods were used either in addition to traditional medicine or exclusively.

Additional indexing

Other titles:Frequency of diseases and injuries in the Swiss horse population
Item Type:Journal Article, refereed, original work
Communities & Collections:05 Vetsuisse Faculty > Veterinary Clinic > Equine Department
Dewey Decimal Classification:570 Life sciences; biology
630 Agriculture
Scopus Subject Areas:Health Sciences > General Veterinary
Uncontrolled Keywords:Horse, prevalence, disease, diagnostics, therapy
Date:August 2008
Deposited On:17 Feb 2009 15:05
Last Modified:05 Jan 2025 04:33
Publisher:Hans Huber
OA Status:Closed
Publisher DOI:
PubMed ID:18777726

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7 citations in Scopus®
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