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Educational justice, segregated schooling and vocational education

Giesinger, Johannes (2017). Educational justice, segregated schooling and vocational education. Theory and Research in Education, 15(1):88-102.


The philosophical debate on educational justice currently focusses on the Anglo-American situation. This essay brings in an additional perspective. It provides a justice-oriented critique of the segregated education systems in German-speaking countries. First, arguments that are commonly put forward in favour of these systems are rejected. Second, an additional argument against early tracking in education is formulated. It is claimed that segregated education systems tend to undermine children’s ‘right to an open future’. It is also explained that the segregated systems in Germany, Austria and Switzerland are linked to well-established systems of vocational education and training. It is argued, in this essay, that a workplace-based vocational system can be an important element of a just education system. The proposal is, then, to introduce a comprehensive school system in the first 8 or 9 school years that prepares students for both the vocational system and the academic track (Gymnasium). Against this background, a so-called threshold conception of educational justice – that contains two different threshold levels – is formulated

Additional indexing

Item Type:Journal Article, refereed, original work
Communities & Collections:01 Faculty of Theology and the Study of Religion > Center for Ethics
06 Faculty of Arts > Institute of Philosophy
Dewey Decimal Classification:100 Philosophy
Scopus Subject Areas:Social Sciences & Humanities > Education
Uncontrolled Keywords:Adequacy, comprehensive schooling, educational justice, educational segregation, equality, equality of opportunity, vocational education and training
Deposited On:07 Nov 2017 14:39
Last Modified:20 Aug 2024 03:32
Publisher:Sage Publications Ltd.
OA Status:Closed
Publisher DOI:

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