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Navvus FFR to reduce CONTRAst cost and RadiaTion (CONTRACT) insights from a single-centre clinical and economical evaluation with the RXi rapid-exchange FFR device

Masdjedi, Kaneshka; Van Mieghem, Nicolas M; Diletti, Roberto; van Geuns, Robert-Jan; de Jaegere, Peter P; Regar, Evelyn; Zijlstra, Felix; van Domburg, Ron T; Daemen, Joost (2017). Navvus FFR to reduce CONTRAst cost and RadiaTion (CONTRACT) insights from a single-centre clinical and economical evaluation with the RXi rapid-exchange FFR device. International Journal of Cardiology, 233:80-84.


OBJECTIVES: To assess whether the RXi Navvus system compared to the use of standard Fractional Flow Reserve (FFR) wires reduces total contrast volume, radiation and overall study cost in a real world patient population referred for coronary angiography or percutaneous coronary intervention.
BACKGROUND: FFR is the mainstay of functional hemodynamic assessment of coronary artery lesions. The RXi Navvus system (ACIST Medical Systems, Eden Prairie, MN) is a monorail microcatheter with FFR-measurement capability through optical pressure sensor technology.
METHODS: This is an investigator-initiated, prospective, single-center, observational cohort study. A total of 238 patients were enrolled, 97 patients with Navvus and 141 with conventional pressure-wire based FFR (PW-FFR). Final analyses were performed on the cohort in which only 1 device was used (82 Navvus procedures vs. 136 PW-FFR procedures).
RESULTS: No significant differences were found in the total amount of contrast used (150±77 vs 147±79ml; p=0.81), radiation use (6200±4601 vs. 5076±4655 centiG∗cm2; p=0.09) or costs (€1994,- vs. €1930,-; p=0.32) in the Navvus vs. PW-FFR groups respectively.
CONCLUSIONS: No significant differences were found in the amount of contrast used, total procedural costs or radiation when the Navvus system was used as compared to conventional FFR wires.
CONTRACT is an investigator-initiated, prospective, single-center, observational cohort study that evaluated whether the RXi Navvus system compared to the use of standard Fractional Flow Reserve (FFR) wires reduces total contrast volume, radiation and overall study cost in a real world patient population referred for coronary angiography or percutaneous coronary intervention. Use of the RXi Navvus system was associated with comparable procedural costs, amount of radiation and contrast used as compared to PW-FFR systems.

Additional indexing

Item Type:Journal Article, refereed, original work
Communities & Collections:04 Faculty of Medicine > University Hospital Zurich > Clinic for Cardiac Surgery
Dewey Decimal Classification:610 Medicine & health
Scopus Subject Areas:Health Sciences > Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine
Uncontrolled Keywords:Fractional flow reserve, Navvus, Cost-effectiveness, PressureWire
Date:15 April 2017
Deposited On:19 Dec 2017 17:24
Last Modified:20 Aug 2024 03:41
OA Status:Closed
Publisher DOI:
PubMed ID:28161129

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