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Composti V+N e genere grammaticale in rumeno

Loporcaro, Michele (2017). Composti V+N e genere grammaticale in rumeno. In: D'Alessandro, Roberta; Iannàccaro, Gabriele; Passino, Diana; Thornton, Anna M.. Di tutti i colori: Studi linguistici per Maria Grossmann. Utrecht: Utrecht University Repository, 197-202.


The paper addresses the long standing issue of the number of values of the morphosyntactic category gender in Romanian and argues in favour of a three gender analysis. This is done capitalizing on one domain of empirical evidence, that of V+N compounds.These compound nouns select the kind of alternating gender agreement (masculine singular/feminine plural) which characterizes the neuter gender under threegender analyses. The fact that these nouns do not show the inflections (notably, pluraleand uri) of the productive noun inflection classes to which neuter nouns are otherwise assigned shows the productivity of the neuter (i.e., of the corresponding agreement class per se) and is hence used as an argument against two gender analyses that deny the existence of the neuter gender and reduce the alternating agreement selected by what is labelled traditionally as neuter nouns to an automatic consequence of the inflectional morphology of the relevant nouns.

Additional indexing

Item Type:Book Section, not_refereed, original work
Communities & Collections:06 Faculty of Arts > Institute of Romance Studies
08 Research Priority Programs > Language and Space
Dewey Decimal Classification:800 Literature, rhetoric & criticism
470 Latin & Italic languages
410 Linguistics
440 French & related languages
460 Spanish & Portuguese languages
450 Italian, Romanian & related languages
Uncontrolled Keywords:Grammatical gender, noun inflection, productivity, compounds
Date:June 2017
Deposited On:18 Jan 2018 15:37
Last Modified:13 Mar 2024 15:08
Publisher:Utrecht University Repository
OA Status:Green
Official URL:

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