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Lebende Tote: konzeptuelle Allegorien der unwiederholbaren Wiederholung der Lektüre bei Proust und Blanchot

Sättele, Hannes (2017). Lebende Tote: konzeptuelle Allegorien der unwiederholbaren Wiederholung der Lektüre bei Proust und Blanchot. Comparatio, 9(1):155-168.


Since the beginning of modernity, reading is often enough understood as a communicative process, in which numerical dimensions become crucial, say the possibility that what has been read gives rise to several interpretations, or the possibility that the latter create single convergences or resonances. However, the following study attempts an approach to a different dimension of reading which is concerned with the rhythm of its temporal dimension: reading can be repeated as many times as desired, whereby each repetition remains unique, as it can never be reduced to the repetition of a determined something. Based on the thesis that the autoreflexivity of literature – particularly by means of the figure of allegory – allows for a discovery of details about this dimension of reading (which could also be of interest in other media and discourses), the study applies mainly to a comparative analysis of, in this respect, relevant works of Proust and Blanchot.

Additional indexing

Item Type:Journal Article, not_refereed, original work
Communities & Collections:06 Faculty of Arts > Institute of Romance Studies
Dewey Decimal Classification:190 Modern western philosophy
410 Linguistics
430 German & related languages
440 French & related languages
450 Italian, Romanian & related languages
460 Spanish & Portuguese languages
470 Latin & Italic languages
800 Literature, rhetoric & criticism
840 French & related literatures
Deposited On:19 Jan 2018 14:11
Last Modified:26 Jan 2022 15:17
Publisher:Universitätsverlag Winter
OA Status:Closed
Official URL:
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