The first part of the book is dedicated to the reconstruction of the history of the Cimmerians in the period of their presence in the Near East, including chronology. The interrelation of the Cimmerians with the Ancient Near Eastern states and peoples (Assyria, Urartu, Media, Phrygia, Lydia, etc.) are the object of study, as well as the problem of the relationship of the Scythians and Cimmerians. The analysis is based on Accadian texts mentioning Cimmerians. They are confronted to the testimony of classical tradition. Special interest is brought to the problem of the Cimmerians’ ethnic belonging: an analysis of their name and of the known names of the Cimmerian kings is presented. Particular attention is given to the study of the mention of Cimmerians in the Old Testament (Gen 10, 2-3; I Chr 1, 5-6; Ez 38, 6; Jer 25, 25) and the related traditions, especially the Armenian. The second part contains a corpus of all Accadian texts mentioning Cimmerians (transliteration, translation, commentary).