Streptococcal necrotizing fasciitis (NF) causes high morbidity and mortality despite state-of-the-art therapy. Low incidence and rapid disease progression, necessitating immediate initiation of therapy, have proven challenging aspects for setting up prospective randomized trials. This has resulted in little therapeutic progress over the past decade. The validation of reliable murine NF models to study both pathogenesis and optimized therapeutic regimens of streptococcal NF are thus essential. In this study, we characterized a murine NF model and compared the pathology with an in-depth tissue analysis of streptococcal NF in patients. We found that the streptococcal murine NF model closely reflected all histologic characteristics encountered in human streptococcal NF. This murine NF model helps understanding of human NF pathology better in a time-dependent manner and will allow studying novel therapeutic options in the future.