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Museum cooperation between Africa and Europe: a new field for museum studies

Museum cooperation between Africa and Europe: a new field for museum studies. Edited by: Laely, Thomas; Meyer, Marc; Schwere, Raphael (2018). Bielefeld / Kampala: transcript / Fountain Publishers.


At a time of major transformations in the conditions and self-conceptions of cultural history and ethnological museums worldwide, it has become increasingly important for these museums to engage in cooperative projects.
This book brings together insights and analyses of a wide variety of approaches to museum cooperation from different expert perspectives. Featuring a variety of African and European points of view and providing detailed empirical evidence, it establishes a new field of museological study and provides some suggestions for future museum practice.

Additional indexing

Item Type:Edited Scientific Work
Communities & Collections:06 Faculty of Arts > Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies
Dewey Decimal Classification:300 Social sciences, sociology & anthropology
390 Customs, etiquette & folklore
Uncontrolled Keywords:networks, relation, partnership, exhibition, Uganda, Ghana, Cameroon
Date:27 June 2018
Deposited On:26 Jul 2018 15:33
Last Modified:15 Apr 2021 14:46
Publisher:transcript / Fountain Publishers
Series Name:Edition Museum
Number of Pages:0
OA Status:Closed
Related URLs: (Organisation) (Publisher)
Project Information:
  • Funder: Swiss Society for African Studies
  • Grant ID:
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