Tumours of the midface and maxillary sinuses have been removed via multiple approaches. The most common approaches are those using incisions in the facial skin, especially in the case of malignant tumours. The Le Fort I procedure via an intraoral incision as described by Sailer in 1986 is a versatile alternative. Combined with a coronal approach and various osteotomies of the upper face it also allows removal of tumours extending into the orbits, the nasoethmoidal complex and the skull base. The versatility of the Le Fort I osteotomy as a surgical approach was analysed in 17 cases. This method is reliable and gives excellent access. Further advantages are the wide surgical exposure and the clear visibility of the resection margins, the absence of visible scars, the feasibility of combining this approach with reconstruction using the buccal fat pad and the possibility of simultaneous placement of bone grafts, insertion of endosseous implants or other preprosthetic procedures via the same incision.