The formation of the Staphylococcus aureus peptidoglycan pentaglycine interpeptide chain needs FemA and FemB for the incorporation of glycines Gly2-Gly3, and Gly4-Gly5, respectively. The lysostaphin immunity factor Lif was able to complement FemB, as could be shown by serine incorporation and by an increase in lysostaphin resistance in the wild-type as well as in a femB mutant. However, Lif could not substitute for FemA in femA or in femAB-null mutants. Methicillin resistance, which is dependent on functional FemA and FemB, was not complemented by Lif, suggesting that serine-substituted side chains are a lesser substrate for penicillin-binding protein PBP2′ in methicillin resistance