Motivation: Data independent acquisition mass spectrometry has emerged as a reproducible and sensitive alternative in quantitative proteomics, where parsing the highly complex tandem mass spectra requires dedicated algorithms. Recently, targeted data extraction was proposed as a novel analysis strategy for this type of data, but it is important to further develop these concepts to provide quality-controlled, interference-adjusted and sensitive peptide quantification. Results: We here present the algorithm DIANA and the classifier PyProphet, which are based on new probabilistic sub-scores to classify the chromatographic peaks in targeted data-independent acquisition data analysis. The algorithm is capable of providing accurate quantitative values and increased recall at a controlled false discovery rate, in a complex gold standard dataset. Importantly, we further demonstrate increased confidence gained by the use of two complementary data-independent acquisition targeted analysis algorithms, as well as increased numbers of quantified peptide precursors in complex biological samples. Availability and implementation: DIANA is implemented in scala and python and available as open source (Apache 2.0 license) or pre-compiled binaries from http://quantitativeproteomics.org/diana. PyProphet can be installed from PyPi (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyprophet). Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online