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Solvation Layer of Antifreeze Proteins Analyzed with a Markov State Model

Wellig, Sebastian; Hamm, Peter (2018). Solvation Layer of Antifreeze Proteins Analyzed with a Markov State Model. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 122(49):11014-11022.


Three structurally very different antifreeze proteins (AFPs) are studied, addressing the question as to what extent the hypothesized preordering-binding mechanism is still relevant in the second solvation layer of the protein and beyond. Assuming a two-state model of water, the solvation layers are analyzed with the help of molecular dynamics simulations together with a Markov state model, which investigates the local tedrahedrality of the water hydrogen-bond network around a given water molecule. It has been shown previously that this analysis can discriminate the high-entropy, high-density state of the liquid (HDL) from its more structured low-density state (LDL). All investigated proteins, regardless of whether they are an AFP or not, have a tendency to increase the amount of HDL in their second solvation layer. The ice binding site (IBS) of the antifreeze proteins counteracts that trend, with either a hole in the HDL layer or a true excess of LDL. The results correlate to a certain extent with recent experiments, which have observed ice like vibrational (VSFG) spectra for the water atop the IBS of only a subset of antifreeze proteins. It is concluded that the preordering-binding mechanism indeed seems to play a role but is only part of the overall picture.

Additional indexing

Item Type:Journal Article, refereed, original work
Communities & Collections:07 Faculty of Science > Department of Chemistry
Dewey Decimal Classification:540 Chemistry
Scopus Subject Areas:Physical Sciences > Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
Physical Sciences > Surfaces, Coatings and Films
Physical Sciences > Materials Chemistry
Uncontrolled Keywords:Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Materials Chemistry, Surfaces, Coatings and Films
Date:11 June 2018
Deposited On:05 Feb 2019 13:07
Last Modified:28 Aug 2024 03:35
Publisher:American Chemical Society (ACS)
Additional Information:This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Journal of Physical Chemistry B, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher. To access the final edited and published work see
OA Status:Green
Publisher DOI:
Project Information:
  • Funder: Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) through the NCCR MUST
  • Grant ID: 200021_165789/1
  • Project Title:
Download PDF  'Solvation Layer of Antifreeze Proteins Analyzed with a Markov State Model'.
  • Content: Accepted Version

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