Virtual reality (VR) simulation is an effective and safe method of teaching bronchoscopic skills. Few VR bronchoscopy simulators exist; all are expensive. The present study aimed to describe the design, development, and evaluation of a new, affordable, VR bronchoscopy simulator.
Anesthesiologists and engineers collaborated to design and develop the Computer Airway Simulation System (CASS), an iPad-based, high-fidelity, VR bronchoscopy simulator. We describe hardware and software development, as well as the technical and teaching features of the CASS. Twenty-two senior anesthesiologists evaluated various aspects of the simulator (using a 5-point Likert scale) to assess its face validity.
Anesthesiologists performed a simulated bronchoscopy (mouth to carina) with a median (range) procedural time of 66 seconds (30-96). The simulator's ease of use was rated 4.3 ± 0.8 and the bronchoscope proxy's handling 4.0 ± 0.7. Criticisms included that excessive system reactivity created handling difficulties. Anatomical accuracy, 3-dimensional bronchial segmentation, and mucosal texture were judged to be very realistic. The simulator's usefulness for teaching and its educational value were highly rated (4.9 ± 0.3 and 4.8 ± 0.4, respectively).
We describe the design, development, and initial evaluation of the CASS-a new, ultraportable, affordable, VR bronchoscopy simulator. The simulator's face validity was supported by excellent assessments from senior anesthesiologists with regard to anatomical realism, quality of graphics, and handling performance, even though some future refinements are required. All the practitioners agreed on the significant educational potential of the CASS.