Learning leaders have important roles in facilitating and supporting the effective and innovative integration of technology in schools. Many leaders who are charged with the task of technology integration have not received professional development to support a leadership role. Many teachers who assume the role of technology leaders develop into this role organically over time based on their recognized performance. School administrators may not have the skills to make decisions for technology integration for learning. Effective ICT learning leaders exhibit the ability to create a shared vision, remain pedagogically focused, and seek and contribute to on-going professional development. Recognizing characteristics of learning leaders who are innovators in technology integration is an important step in the overall improvement of education systems. This paper focuses on the role learning leaders have in the effective use of technology in the learning environment and the types of professional development that best support learning for these leaders. The paper also addresses the important role of assessment, in order to continue the quest to determine what technology-enhanced interventions and innovations work for whom, in what contexts, and under what conditions.