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Chemical Kinetics of Radiolabelling Reactions

Holland, Jason P (2018). Chemical Kinetics of Radiolabelling Reactions. Chemistry - A European Journal, 24(62):16472-16483.


The application of chemical kinetics is one of the most powerful and versatile tools for investigating reaction mechanisms in complex mixtures. Kinetic studies are commonplace in traditional synthetic chemistry but are seldom used in radiopharmaceutical sciences. When deriving standard reaction rate laws, the focus is normally placed on calculating the chemical concentration of different species over time. In radiopharmaceutical synthesis, the desired product is one of the radioactive components of the mixture. Reaction conditions are optimised to obtain the radioactive product in the highest activity yield. When short‐lived radionuclides are used, radioactive decay during the reaction window means that the maximum activity yield does not necessarily coincide with the chemical or decay‐corrected radiochemical yields. To account for this difference in the kinetic models, it is shown how standard integrated rate laws can be modified to incorporate the contribution from radioactive decay. An example is then presented to show how radiochemical kinetics can be used to model complex systems, like [18F]FDG radiosynthesis, that involve parallel or competing reactions at the different chemical scales of the radionuclide and substrate. Increased knowledge of reaction rates, and a more wide‐spread application of radiochemical kinetics, can facilitate the development of new radiolabelling reactions. Accurate identification of maximum activity yields using kinetic models also has the potential to improve the optimisation and radiochemical efficiency of all current and future radiopharmaceutical syntheses.

Additional indexing

Item Type:Journal Article, refereed, original work
Communities & Collections:07 Faculty of Science > Department of Chemistry
Dewey Decimal Classification:540 Chemistry
Scopus Subject Areas:Physical Sciences > Catalysis
Physical Sciences > Organic Chemistry
Date:7 November 2018
Deposited On:25 Apr 2019 06:23
Last Modified:31 Aug 2024 03:37
Publisher:Wiley-VCH Verlag
Additional Information:This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Holland, Jason P (2018). Chemical Kinetics of Radiolabelling Reactions. Chemistry - A European Journal, 24(62):16472-16483, which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving (
OA Status:Green
Publisher DOI:
Project Information:
  • Funder: SNSF
  • Grant ID: PP00P2_163683
  • Project Title: Advanced radiochemical methods for multi-modal imaging with nanomedicines
  • Funder: H2020
  • Grant ID: 676904
  • Project Title: Developing multi-modality nanomedicines for targeted annotation of oncogenic signaling pathways
  • Funder: Krebsliga
  • Grant ID: KLS-4257-08-2017
  • Project Title:

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