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Parallel and antiparallel angular momentum transfer of circularly polarized light to photoelectrons and Auger electrons at the Ni L3 absorption threshold

Matsui, Fumihiko; Ota, Hiroshi; Sugita, Kenji; Muntwiler, Matthias; Stania, Roland; Greber, Thomas (2018). Parallel and antiparallel angular momentum transfer of circularly polarized light to photoelectrons and Auger electrons at the Ni L3 absorption threshold. Physical review. B, 97(3):035424.


We report the investigation of the angular momentum transfer of light to photoelectrons and Auger electrons at the Ni L3 absorption threshold. Upon core-level excitation by circularly polarized light, the angular momentum of light, or helicity, is transferred to the emitted photoelectron. The angular momentum of the emitted photoelectron (mf) is the sum of the helicity (σ) and the orbital magnetic quantum number of the initial state (mi). Here the quantization axis was defined as the direction along the incident light. This can be measured by the parallax shift of the forward focusing peak (FFP) direction in the photoelectron intensity angular distribution. At the absorption threshold, the excited core-level electron is promoted to a conduction-band state and the angular momentum of the light is partially transferred to Auger electrons. We measured photoelectron and Auger electron intensity angular distributions from the Ni(111) surface at the L3 absorption threshold. We observed a significant angular circular dichroism of the [101] FFP for the L3M4,5M4,5 Auger electrons. Furthermore, we discovered non-negligible reversal angular circular dichroism contrasts for the triplet components in the case of the L3M2,3M4,5 Auger electrons, suggesting that the angular momentum of light was transferred to the emitted electron in the antiparallel way.

Additional indexing

Item Type:Journal Article, refereed, original work
Communities & Collections:07 Faculty of Science > Physics Institute
Dewey Decimal Classification:530 Physics
Scopus Subject Areas:Physical Sciences > Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
Physical Sciences > Condensed Matter Physics
Date:18 January 2018
Deposited On:02 May 2019 10:29
Last Modified:31 Aug 2024 03:37
Publisher:American Physical Society
OA Status:Green
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