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The language dimension of mathematical difficulties

Prediger, Susanne; Erath, Kirstin; Moser Opitz, Elisabeth (2019). The language dimension of mathematical difficulties. In: Fritz, Annemarie; Haase, Vitor Geraldi; Räsänen, Pekka. International handbook of mathematical learning difficulties: from the laboratory to the classroom. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 437-455.


Many empirical studies have shown that students’ mathematical difficulties are often connected to language factors. In this chapter, we discuss this issue from different perspectives and with regard to different groups of students. First, differences between everyday and academic language on word, sentence, and text/discourse level and their implications for mathematics learning processes are discussed. Secondly, it is described how language factors affect the achievement of specific groups of students: second-language learners, students with learning disabilities in mathematics and reading, and students with specific language impairment. Thirdly, important language dimensions for the mathematics learning focusing on the use of language as a learning medium and discourse practices are presented. Finally, it is concluded that instructional approaches seem to become most effective for supporting mathematics learning when they provide learning opportunities especially for the discourse practices of explaining meanings of mathematical concepts and operations and for describing general pattern.

Additional indexing

Item Type:Book Section, refereed, original work
Communities & Collections:06 Faculty of Arts > Institute of Education
Dewey Decimal Classification:370 Education
Scopus Subject Areas:Social Sciences & Humanities > General Social Sciences
Social Sciences & Humanities > General Psychology
Health Sciences > General Medicine
Life Sciences > General Neuroscience
Uncontrolled Keywords:Discourse practices, second-language learners, learning disabilities in mathematics and reading, language impairment
Date:17 January 2019
Deposited On:21 May 2019 07:29
Last Modified:31 Aug 2024 03:38
OA Status:Closed
Publisher DOI:
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