Understanding the evolution of a project is crucial in reverse-engineering, auditing and otherwise understanding existing software. Visualizing how software evolves can be challenging, as it typically abstracts a multi-dimensional graph structure where individual components undergo frequent but localized changes. Existing approaches typically consider either only a small number of revisions or they focus on one particular aspect, such as the evolution of code metrics or architecture. Approaches using a static view with a time axis (such as line charts) are limited in their expressiveness regarding structure, and approaches visualizing structure quickly become cluttered with an increasing number of revisions and components. We propose a novel trade-off between displaying global structure over a large time period with reduced accuracy and visualizing fine-grained changes of individual components with absolute accuracy. We demonstrate how our approach displays changes by blending redundant visual features (such as scales or repeating data points) where they are not expressive. We show how using this approach to explore software evolution can reveal ephemeral information when familiarizing oneself with a new project. We provide a working implementation as an extension to our open-source library for fine-grained evolution analysis, LISA.