The need to harmonise apparently irreconcilable arrangements in an ecosystem –nestedness andsegregation– has triggered so far different strategies. Methodological refinements, or the inclusion ofbehavioural preferences to the network dynamics offer a limited approach to the problem, since oneremains constrained within a 2-dimensional view of an ecosystem, i.e. a presence-absence matrix.Here we question this partial-view paradigm, and show that nestedness and segregation may coexistacross a varied range of scenarios. To do so, we rely on an upscaled representation of an ecologicalcommunity as ann-partite hypergraph, inspired by Hutchinson’s high-dimensional niche conceptand the latest trends on ecological multilayer networks. This yields an inclusive description of anecological system, for which we develop a natural extension of the definition of nestedness to largerdimensional spaces, revealing how competitive exclusion may operate regardless of a highly nestedbipartite system.