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Entscheidungshilfe bei erweitertem intensivmedizinischem Behandlungsbedarf auf dem Weg zur Organspende: Positionspapier der Sektion Ethik und der Sektion Organspende und -transplantation der Deutschen Interdisziplinären Vereinigung für Intensiv- und Notfallmedizin (DIVI) unter Mitarbeit der Sektion Ethik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Internistische Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin (DGIIN)

Neitzke, G; Rogge, A; Lücking, K M; Böll, B; Burchardi, H; Dannenberg, K; Duttge, G; Dutzmann, J; Erchinger, R; Gretenkort, P; Hartog, C; Jöbges, S; Knochel, K; Liebig, M; Meier, S; Michalsen, A; Michels, G; Mohr, M; Nauck, F; Salomon, F; Seidlein, A-H; Söffker, G; Stopfkuchen, H; Janssens, U (2019). Entscheidungshilfe bei erweitertem intensivmedizinischem Behandlungsbedarf auf dem Weg zur Organspende: Positionspapier der Sektion Ethik und der Sektion Organspende und -transplantation der Deutschen Interdisziplinären Vereinigung für Intensiv- und Notfallmedizin (DIVI) unter Mitarbeit der Sektion Ethik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Internistische Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin (DGIIN). Medizinische Klinik : Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin, 114(4):319-326.



Injuries, especially traumatic brain injury, or specific illnesses and their respective sequelae can result in the demise of the patients afflicted despite all efforts of modern intensive care medicine. If in principle organ donation is an option after a patient's death, intensive therapeutic measures are regularly required in order to maintain the homeostasis of the organs. These measures, however, cannot benefit the patient afflicted anymore-which in turn might lead to an ethical conflict between dignified palliative care for him/her and expanded intensive treatment to facilitate organ donation for others, especially if the patient has opted for the limitation of life-sustaining therapies in an advance directive.


The Ethics Section and the Organ Donation and Transplantation Section of the German Interdisciplinary Association of Critical Care and Emergency Medicine (DIVI) have convened several meetings and a telephone conference and have arrived at a decision-making aid as to the extent of treatment for potential organ donors. This instrument focusses first on the assessment of five individual dimensions regarding organ donation, namely the certitude of a complete and irreversible loss of all brain function, the patient's wishes as to organ donation, his or her wishes as to limiting life-sustaining therapies, the intensity of expanded intensive treatment for organ protection and the odds of its successful attainment. Then, the combination of the individual assessments, as graphically shown in a {Netzdiagramm}, will allow for a judgement as to whether a continuation or possibly an expansion of intensive care measures is ethically justified, questionable or even inappropriate.


The aid described can help mitigate ethical conflicts as to the extent of intensive care treatment for moribund patients, when organ donation is a medically sound option. NOTE: Gerald Neitzke und Annette Rogge contributed equally to this paper and should be considered co-first authors.

Additional indexing

Other titles:Decision-making support in Intensive Care to facilitate organ donation : Position paper of the Ethics Section and the Organ Donation and Transplantation Section of the German Interdisciplinary Association of Critical Care and Emergency Medicine (DIVI) in collaboration with the Ethics Section of the German Society of Medical Intensive Care Medicine and Emergency Medicine (DGIIN)
Item Type:Journal Article, refereed, original work
Communities & Collections:04 Faculty of Medicine > Institute of Biomedical Ethics and History of Medicine
Dewey Decimal Classification:610 Medicine & health
Scopus Subject Areas:Health Sciences > Internal Medicine
Health Sciences > Emergency Medicine
Health Sciences > Emergency Nursing
Health Sciences > Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine
Date:May 2019
Deposited On:15 Nov 2019 14:32
Last Modified:22 Jan 2025 02:35
OA Status:Closed
Publisher DOI:
PubMed ID:30976838

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