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Backbone and methyl assignment of bacteriorhodopsin incorporated into nanodiscs

Kooijman, Laurens; Ansorge, Philipp; Schuster, Matthias; Baumann, Christian; Löhr, Frank; Jurt, Simon; Güntert, P; Zerbe, O (2020). Backbone and methyl assignment of bacteriorhodopsin incorporated into nanodiscs. Journal of Biomolecular NMR, 74(1):45-60.


Resonance assignments are challenging for membrane proteins due to the size of the lipid/detergent-protein complex and the presence of line-broadening from conformational exchange. As a consequence, many correlations are missing in the triple-resonance NMR experiments typically used for assignments. Herein, we present an approach in which correlations from these solution-state NMR experiments are supplemented by data from 13C unlabeling, single-amino acid type labeling, 4D NOESY data and proximity of moieties to lipids or water in combination with a structure of the protein. These additional data are used to edit the expected peaklists for the automated assignment protocol FLYA, a module of the program package CYANA. We demonstrate application of the protocol to the 262-residue proton pump from archaeal bacteriorhodopsin (bR) in lipid nanodiscs. The lipid-protein assembly is characterized by an overall correlation time of 44 ns. The protocol yielded assignments for 62% of all backbone (H, N, Cα, Cβ, C’) resonances of bR, corresponding to 74% of all observed backbone spin systems, and 60 % of the Ala, Met, Ile (δ1), Leu and Val methyl groups, thus enabling to assign a large fraction of the protein without mutagenesis data. Most missing resonances stem from the extracellular half, likely due intermediate exchange line-broadening. Further analysis revealed that missing information of the amino acid type of the preceding residue is the largest problem, and that 4D NOESY experiments are particularly helpful to compensate for that information loss.

Additional indexing

Item Type:Journal Article, refereed, original work
Communities & Collections:07 Faculty of Science > Department of Chemistry
Dewey Decimal Classification:540 Chemistry
Scopus Subject Areas:Life Sciences > Biochemistry
Physical Sciences > Spectroscopy
Uncontrolled Keywords:NMR, bacteriorhodopsin, membrane proteins, assignment
Deposited On:13 Jan 2020 10:18
Last Modified:22 Dec 2024 02:36
OA Status:Hybrid
Publisher DOI:
Project Information:
  • Funder: SNSF
  • Grant ID: 310030_159453
  • Project Title: Towards the solution structure of an entire thermostabilized GPCR
Download PDF  'Backbone and methyl assignment of bacteriorhodopsin incorporated into nanodiscs'.
  • Content: Published Version
  • Licence: Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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