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The Manichaeans of Kellis: religion, community, and everyday life

Brand, Mattias. The Manichaeans of Kellis: religion, community, and everyday life. 2019, University of Leiden, Faculty of Arts.


The Manichaeans of Kellis: Religion, Community, and Everyday Life is the first monograph examining daily life of a Manichaean community in the Roman Empire. It shows where and when a Manichaean affiliation mattered for ancient individuals and families, how it affected their personal letters, as well as their day-to-day interactions in a fourth-century village. The papyrological and archaeological evidence from the village of Kellis (modern Ismant el-Kharab) presents a unique perspective on this late antique religion that is otherwise mostly known for its theological and cosmological system. The specific setting of these finds, in particular having liturgical texts and personal letters from the same houses, offers many opportunities to reconstruct family networks, village interactions, as well as some of the underlying religious structures and practices. By pursuing a bottom-up approach, this study brings Manichaeism to life as a religion for ordinary people. It also engages with the larger theoretical debates concerning the role and position of “lived religion” in the academic Study of Religion, as well as current perspectives on the fundamental transformation of religion in Late Antiquity.

Additional indexing

Item Type:Dissertation (monographical)
Referees:de Jong A F, van der Vliet J A
Communities & Collections:01 Faculty of Theology and the Study of Religion > Institute of Religious Studies
UZH Dissertations
Dewey Decimal Classification:200 Religion
Place of Publication:Leiden
Deposited On:23 Jan 2020 07:55
Last Modified:18 Mar 2022 09:50
Number of Pages:440
OA Status:Closed
Free access at:Related URL. An embargo period may apply.
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