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Stimulus probability affects the visual N700 component of the event-related potential

Althen, H; Banaschewski, T; Brandeis, D; Bender, S (2020). Stimulus probability affects the visual N700 component of the event-related potential. Clinical Neurophysiology, 131(3):655-664.


OBJECTIVE: To examine whether the occipito-temporal visual N700 component of the event-related potential is sensitive to stimulus probabilities.
METHODS: P1, N1, P3, and, in particular, the occipito-temporal N700 component of the event-related potential were analysed in response to frequent and rare non-target letters of a continuous performance task in 200 healthy adolescents. Additionally, amplitude habituation with time was examined for the occipito-temporal N700 and N1 components.
RESULTS:The visual P1, N1, and occipito-temporal N700 components were significantly larger in response to rare letters than to frequent letters, whereas the P3 component demonstrated no amplitude difference. Over time, the occipito-temporal N700 amplitude decreased in response to the rare letters, while the N1 amplitude increased, to both, frequent and rare letters.
CONCLUSIONS: This study provides first evidence that the visual occipito-temporal N700 is sensitive to stimulus probabilities, suggesting an enhanced post-processing of rare stimuli in secondary visual areas. The distinct habituation patterns of occipito-temporal N700 and N1 amplitudes distinguish repetition effects on stimulus post-processing (N700) from those on perception (N1).
SIGNIFICANCE: The enhanced N700 component to rare stimuli might reflect an orienting response and underlying attentional processes. The N700 sensitivity to stimulus probabilities should be examined in patient groups with attentional deficits.

Additional indexing

Item Type:Journal Article, refereed, original work
Communities & Collections:04 Faculty of Medicine > Psychiatric University Hospital Zurich > Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
04 Faculty of Medicine > Neuroscience Center Zurich
04 Faculty of Medicine > Zurich Center for Integrative Human Physiology (ZIHP)
Dewey Decimal Classification:610 Medicine & health
Scopus Subject Areas:Life Sciences > Sensory Systems
Life Sciences > Neurology
Health Sciences > Neurology (clinical)
Health Sciences > Physiology (medical)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Physiology (medical), Sensory Systems, Neurology, Clinical Neurology, Attention; Event-related potential; N700; Orienting response; Rare stimulus; Stimulus probability
Date:1 March 2020
Deposited On:21 Feb 2020 16:04
Last Modified:05 Sep 2024 03:45
OA Status:Closed
Publisher DOI:
PubMed ID:31978850

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3 citations in Scopus®
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