Ye intención de nueso presentar nesti trabayu les interferencies asturianes nel casu de los posesivos d’un corpus de fala semiespontánea de La Pola Siero (Asturies, norte d’España). Trátase de venticuatro informantes escoyíos acordies con tres variables pre-establecíes (sexu, edá, nivel d’estudios). Sicasí, y según se va ver nel apartáu de los resultaos, el papel más importante nel procesu de variación llingüística nun lu desempeñen les tres variables sociales sinon otres. Darréu d’ello, camiéntase que nuna situación diglósica como la de La Pola Siero, ye perimportante considerar los grupos sociales non como grupos fixos. Esto débese enforma a que, como falantes, disponemos d’unes identidaes tresportables (Zimmerman 1998) que nos permiten movenos llingüísticamente y negociar la nuesa identidá (Blommaert, Goffman 1956; Gumperz 1992; 2000; Kabatek, 1997a, 1997b, 2000, 2002, 2017) = In this paper, our aim is to present the Asturian interferences in the case of possessives employed in a semi-spontaneous speech corpus collected from La Pola Siero (Northern Spain). It consists of twenty-four informants who were selected according to three pre-established variables (sex, age, educational level). However, as it will be seen in the results section, the most important role in the process of linguistic variation is not played by these social variables; on the contrary, findings show that other variables are the most relevant factors. As a consequence, we believe that in a diglossic situation, as in La Pola Siero, it is very important to consider that the social groups are not definite. This is largely due to the fact that, as speakers, we have transportable identities (Zimmerman 1998) that allow us to move linguistically and to negotiate our identity (Blommaert, 2010; Goffman 1956; Gumperz 1992; Kabatek, 1997, 2000, 2002,2017).