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Dynamic competition for hexon binding between core protein VII and lytic protein VI promotes adenovirus maturation and entry

Hernando-Pérez, Mercedes; Martín-González, Natalia; Pérez-Illana, Marta; Suomalainen, Maarit; Condezo, Gabriela N; Ostapchuk, Philomena; Gallardo, José; Menéndez, Margarita; Greber, Urs F; Hearing, Patrick; de Pablo, Pedro J; San Martín, Carmen (2020). Dynamic competition for hexon binding between core protein VII and lytic protein VI promotes adenovirus maturation and entry. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117(24):13699-13707.


Adenovirus minor coat protein VI contains a membrane-disrupting peptide that is inactive when VI is bound to hexon trimers. Protein VI must be released during entry to ensure endosome escape. Hexon:VI stoichiometry has been uncertain, and only fragments of VI have been identified in the virion structure. Recent findings suggest an unexpected relationship between VI and the major core protein, VII. According to the high-resolution structure of the mature virion, VI and VII may compete for the same binding site in hexon; and noninfectious human adenovirus type 5 particles assembled in the absence of VII (Ad5-VII-) are deficient in proteolytic maturation of protein VI and endosome escape. Here we show that Ad5-VII- particles are trapped in the endosome because they fail to increase VI exposure during entry. This failure was not due to increased particle stability, because capsid disruption happened at lower thermal or mechanical stress in Ad5-VII- compared to wild-type (Ad5-wt) particles. Cryoelectron microscopy difference maps indicated that VII can occupy the same binding pocket as VI in all hexon monomers, strongly arguing for binding competition. In the Ad5-VII- map, density corresponding to the immature amino-terminal region of VI indicates that in the absence of VII the lytic peptide is trapped inside the hexon cavity, and clarifies the hexon:VI stoichiometry conundrum. We propose a model where dynamic competition between proteins VI and VII for hexon binding facilitates the complete maturation of VI, and is responsible for releasing the lytic protein from the hexon cavity during entry and stepwise uncoating.

Additional indexing

Item Type:Journal Article, refereed, original work
Communities & Collections:07 Faculty of Science > Institute of Molecular Life Sciences
Dewey Decimal Classification:570 Life sciences; biology
Scopus Subject Areas:Health Sciences > Multidisciplinary
Uncontrolled Keywords:Multidisciplinary
Date:16 June 2020
Deposited On:18 Jun 2020 16:19
Last Modified:07 Sep 2024 03:33
Publisher:National Academy of Sciences
OA Status:Hybrid
Free access at:Publisher DOI. An embargo period may apply.
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