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Utopia and reality : documentary, activism and imagined worlds

Utopia and reality : documentary, activism and imagined worlds. Edited by: Spiegel, Simon; Reiter, Andrea; Goldberg, Marcy (2020). Cardiff: University of Wales Press.


Since publication of Thomas More‘s Utopia more than five hundred years ago, there has been a steady stream of literary works that depict a better world; positive utopias in film, however, have been scarce. There is a consensus that utopias in the Morean tradition are not suited to fiction film, and research has accordingly focused on dystopias. Starting from the insight that utopias are always a critical reaction to the deficits of the present, Utopia and Reality takes a different approach by looking into the under-researched area of propaganda and documentary films for depictions of better worlds. This volume brings together researchers from two fields that have so far seen little exchange – documentary studies and utopian scholarship – and covers a wide range of films from Soviet avant-garde to propaganda videos for the terror organisation ISIS, from political-activist to ecofeminist and interactive documentaries.

Additional indexing

Item Type:Edited Scientific Work
Communities & Collections:06 Faculty of Arts > Institute of Cinema Studies
Dewey Decimal Classification:700 Arts
900 History
Deposited On:08 Feb 2021 09:20
Last Modified:08 Feb 2021 09:20
Publisher:University of Wales Press
Series Name:New dimensions in science fiction
Number of Pages:265
Additional Information:This volume has its origins in an international conference that took place at the Department of Film Studies at the University of Zurich in the autumn of 2016.
OA Status:Closed
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