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Stem alternations in Kiranti and their implications for the morphology-phonology interface

Herce, Borja (2021). Stem alternations in Kiranti and their implications for the morphology-phonology interface. Journal of Linguistics, 57(2):321-363.


Stem alternation is present in the verbal inflection of all documented Kiranti languages, where it ranges from the straightforward phonologically conditioned (e.g. Athpariya and Chintang) to the purely morphological and baroque (e.g. Khaling and Dumi). This paper surveys stem alternation patterns across the whole family. Its main finding is that, unlike the morphological stem alternations of West Kiranti, the phonologically-conditioned stem alternations of East Kiranti are characterized by a very striking distributional similarity (often identity) across languages, even in the presence of quite drastic affixal changes. This and other findings suggest that these stem alternation patterns should be regarded as a (morphomic) grammatical phenomenon of its own right, despite being derivable from the forms of suffixes. Furthermore, comparison with West Kiranti suggests that this coextensiveness with a coherent phonological environment actually enhances some typically morphomic traits such as diachronic resilience and productivity.

Additional indexing

Item Type:Journal Article, refereed, original work
Communities & Collections:06 Faculty of Arts > Department of Comparative Language Science
Special Collections > NCCR Evolving Language
Special Collections > Centers of Competence > Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Language Evolution
Dewey Decimal Classification:490 Other languages
890 Other literatures
410 Linguistics
Date:1 April 2021
Deposited On:08 Jul 2020 14:40
Last Modified:07 Sep 2024 03:35
Publisher:Cambridge University Press
OA Status:Green
Publisher DOI:
Download PDF  'Stem alternations in Kiranti and their implications for the morphology-phonology interface'.
  • Content: Accepted Version
  • Language: English

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