In frame of the European Space Agency’s (ESA) “FLEXSense Campaign 2018” and the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) project, the Global Ocean Satellite monitoring and marine ecosystem study group (GOS) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR) organized the oceanographic cruise “FLEX 2018”. The CNR research vessel “Dallaporta” provided a ground station for several bio-optical instruments to investigate the coastal waters of the Tyrrhenian Sea (central Italy) in June 2018. The field measurements were performed in time synchrony with spaceborne (i.e. Sentinel 3A and Sentinel 3B satellites) and airborne (i.e. HyPlant airborne imaging spectrometer) observations, with the intent to contribute to calibration/validation activities for existing and future space mission developments. Particularly, active and passive fluorescence were investigated at different scales in aquatic ecosystems, to support preparatory activities of the FLuorescence EXplorer (FLEX) satellite mission to be launched in 2022. Results provide new insight on the sensitivity of Solar Induced Fluorescence (SIF) retrievals for atmospheric disturbances and other scale related aspects, and will eventually facilitate the implementation of robust retrieval schemes for the FLEX mission products. In addition, active fluorescence signals acquired from a LIDAR fluorosensor show a good agreement with SIF pattern retrieved by HyPlant and Sentinel-3 Ocean and Land Colour Instrument (OLCI). Our results demonstrate that the combination of active and passive fluorescence, together with the synergistic measurements from integrated platforms, is a promising approach to support the retrieval and interpretation of SIF in aquatic environments.