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Digitalisation of the Brief Visuospatial Memory Test-Revised and Evaluation with a Machine Learning Algorithm

Birchmeier, Martin Eduard; Studer, Tobias; Lutterotti, Andreas; Penner, Iris-Katharina; Bignens, Serge (2020). Digitalisation of the Brief Visuospatial Memory Test-Revised and Evaluation with a Machine Learning Algorithm. In: Pape-Haugaard, Louise B; Lovis, Christian; Cort Madsen, Inge; Weber, Patrick; Hostrup Nielsen, Per; Scott, Philip. Digital Personalized Health and Medicine. Amsterdam: I O S Press, 168-172.


The disease multiple sclerosis (MS) is characterized by various neurological symptoms. This paper deals with a novel tool to assess cognitive dysfunction. The Brief Visuospatial Memory Test-Revised (BVMT-R) is a recognized method to measure optical recognition deficits and their progression. Typically, the test is carried out on paper. We present a way to make this process more efficient, without losing quality by having the patients using a tablet App and having the drawings rated with the use of a machine learning (ML) algorithm. A dataset of 1'525 drawings were digitalized and then randomly split in a training dataset and in a test dataset. In addition to the training dataset the already trained drawings from a preliminary paper were added to the training dataset. The ratings done by two neuropsychologists matched for 81% of the test dataset. The ratings done automatically with the ML algorithm matched 72% with the ones of the first neuropsychologist and 79% of the ones of the second neuropsychologist. For a semi-automated rating we defined a threshold value for the reliability of the rating of 78.8%, under which the drawing is routed for manual rating. With this threshold value the ML algorithm matched 80.3% and 86.6% of the ratings of the first and second neuropsychologists. The neuropsychologists have in that case to manually check 17.4% of the drawings. With our results is it possible to execute the BVMT-R Test in a digital way. We found out, that our ML algorithms have with the semi-automated method the similar matching as the two professional raters.

Additional indexing

Item Type:Book Section, refereed, original work
Communities & Collections:04 Faculty of Medicine > University Hospital Zurich > Clinic for Neurology
Dewey Decimal Classification:610 Medicine & health
Scopus Subject Areas:Physical Sciences > Biomedical Engineering
Health Sciences > Health Informatics
Health Sciences > Health Information Management
Date:16 June 2020
Deposited On:11 Jan 2021 06:42
Last Modified:24 Oct 2024 01:37
Publisher:I O S Press
Series Name:Studies in Health Technology and Informatics
ISBN:978-1-64368-082-8 (print) | 978-1-64368-083-5 (online)
OA Status:Gold
Free access at:Publisher DOI. An embargo period may apply.
Publisher DOI:
PubMed ID:32570368
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  • Content: Published Version
  • Language: English
  • Licence: Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)

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