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Too big to fail but big enough to pay for their mistakes: A collostructional analysis of the patterns [too ADJ to V] and [ADJ enough to V]

Stefanowitsch, Anatol; Flach, Susanne (2020). Too big to fail but big enough to pay for their mistakes: A collostructional analysis of the patterns [too ADJ to V] and [ADJ enough to V]. In: Corpas Pastor, Gloria; Colson, Jean-Pierre. Computational Phraseology. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing, 248-272.


In this paper, we illustrate the usefulness of the family of methods collectively known as Collostructional Analysis for phraseological research. Investigating two patterns, [too ADJ to V] and [ADJ enough to V], we show how a technique originally developed for the investigation of words and constructions can be fruitfully applied to issues pertinent to phraseology, such as the co-existence of compositional and idiomatic semantics and the analysis of semantically complementary patterns more generally. To this end, we use the three conventional methods (Simple, Distinctive and Co-varying Collexeme Analyses) and propose a novel extension (Distinctive Co-varying Collexeme Analysis) particularly suitable for the investigation of complementary patterns. We show that collostructional analysis is suitable for confirming hypotheses derived from qualitative analyses, as well as uncovering subtle differences that are otherwise inaccessible for non-empirical research.

Additional indexing

Item Type:Book Section, not_refereed, original work
Communities & Collections:06 Faculty of Arts > English Department
Dewey Decimal Classification:820 English & Old English literatures
Uncontrolled Keywords:Collostructional Analysis, Simple Collexeme Analysis, Distinctive Collexeme Analysis, Co-Varying Collexeme Analysis, Distinctive Co-varying Collexeme Analysis, association, collostructions, collocations
Date:15 May 2020
Deposited On:02 Feb 2021 14:59
Last Modified:27 Jan 2022 04:45
Publisher:John Benjamins Publishing
Series Name:IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature
OA Status:Closed
Publisher DOI:
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