Software repositories contain historical and valuable information about the overall development of software systems. Mining software repositories (MSR) is nowadays considered one of the most interesting growing fields within software engineering. MSR focuses on extracting and analyzing data available in software repositories to uncover interesting, useful, and actionable information about the system. Even though MSR plays an important role in software engineering research, few tools have been created and made public to support developers in extracting information from Git repository. In this paper, we present PyDriller, a Python Framework that eases the process of mining Git. We compare our tool against the state-of-the-art Python Framework GitPython, demonstrating that PyDriller can achieve the same results with, on average, 50% less LOC and significantly lower complexity.
URL: https://github.com/ishepard/pydriller
Materials: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1327363
Pre-print: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1327411