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Effect of season and genotype on values for bull semen variables under tropical conditions

Landaeta-Hernández, Antonio J; Gil-Araujo, Marcelo A; Ungerfeld, Rodolfo; Owen Rae, D; Urdaneta-Moyer, Angela; Parra-Núñez, Alexander; Kaske, Martin; Bollwein, Heiner; Chenoweth, Peter J (2020). Effect of season and genotype on values for bull semen variables under tropical conditions. Animal Reproduction Science, 221:106592.


To assess the effects of season and genotype on fresh semen quality for freezing and subsequent use for AI, 32 healthy, mature (>4 to <6 years old) and habituated bulls (Bos indicus n = 14, Bos taurus n = 5, Crossbred taurus x indicus n = 6, and tropically adapted Bos taurus composites n = 7) were evaluated at a Venezuelan AI center for 12 months in which four distinct seasons (Hot-dry, Transition, Hot-humid, Cool-rainy) occur. Ejaculates were collected weekly from Bos taurus (n = 260), Bos indicus (n = 669), tropically adapted Bos taurus composites (n = 389), and crossbred Bos taurus x Bos indicus (n = 340) bulls. Routine AI Center assessments were conducted i.e., ejaculate volume (EV), sperm mass-motility (MM), total sperm number/ejaculate (TSE), sperm concentration/mL (SC), pre-freezing (PREF), and post-freezing minimum criteria rate for AI use (POSTF). Genotype affected EV (P < 0.0001), TSE (P < 0.0001), and SC (P < 0.0001) but not MM (P>0.05). Season affected EV (P < 0.001), TSE (P < 0.0001), SC (P < 0.01), and MM (P < 0.05). There were genotype x season interactions for EV, MM, TSE, and SC. The PREF averaged 74.0% during the study, although was less (P < 0.0001) during the hot-humid season than the other seasons. Even though, percent ejaculates considered unsuitable for freezing differed (P < 0.03) among the Hot-dry (20.2%), transition (30.9%), Hot-humid (32.4%), and Cool-rainy (24%) seasons. For POSTF, there were no seasonal differences (P>0.05). It is concluded that in tropical regions, season and genotype can affect bull semen variables, particularly those which affect the success of semen freezing and AI.

Additional indexing

Item Type:Journal Article, refereed, original work
Communities & Collections:05 Vetsuisse Faculty > Veterinary Clinic > Department of Farm Animals
Dewey Decimal Classification:570 Life sciences; biology
630 Agriculture
Scopus Subject Areas:Health Sciences > Food Animals
Life Sciences > Animal Science and Zoology
Life Sciences > Endocrinology
Uncontrolled Keywords:Food Animals, Animal Science and Zoology, Endocrinology, General Medicine
Date:1 October 2020
Deposited On:10 Feb 2021 15:41
Last Modified:11 Sep 2024 03:39
OA Status:Closed
Publisher DOI:

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