Objective: To describe the clinical presentation and outcome of a dog with primary hypoparathyroidism secondary to cervical bite wounds.
Case Summary: A 3-year-old male intact Chihuahua presented after being attacked by a large breed dog. The dog sustained severe cervical lacerations, exposing the trachea and jugular veins.A portion of the right thyroid gland was missing. The dog was stabilized before wound debridement and closure. Ionized calcium concentrations were within reference range at the time of presentation. Forty-eight hours after the initial trauma, the dog was presented in lateral recumbency with signs of hypovolemic shock, muscle tremors, and hyperthermia. Bloodwork showed severe ionized hypocalcemiawith low normal parathyroid hormone concentration consistent with acute primary hypoparathyroidism. The dog was managed initially with IV calcium gluconate and calcitriol, then long-term oral calcium carbonate and vitamin D3. After 6 months, the dog was successfully weaned off calcium supplementation.
New or Unique Information Provided: This is the first described case of traumatic primary hypoparathyroidism after a bite injury to the neck in a dog.