This study investigates the effect of the Nucleus CI24RE implant's neural response telemetry (NRT) system, which has less internal noise compared to its predecessor, the CI24M/R implant, on the NRT threshold (TNRT) profile across the array. CI24M/R measurements were simulated by ignoring CI24RE measurements with response amplitudes below 50 uV. Comparisons of the estimated TNRTs from the CI24RE measurements and the CI24M/R simulations suggest that, apart from a constant level difference, the TNRT profiles from the newer implant generally would not have differed very much from those of its predecessor. This view was also reflected by principal component analysis (PCA) results which revealed a 'shift' component similar to that reported by Smoorenburg et al (2002). On the whole, there is no indication that current practices of using the TNRT profiles for assisting with speech processor programming need to be revised for the CI24RE implant.