In this paper, we consider the Poisson equation on a “long” domain which is the Cartesian product of a one-dimensional long interval with a (d − 1)-dimensional domain. The right-hand side is assumed to have a rank-1 tensor structure. We will present and compare methods to construct approximations of the solution which have tensor structure and the computational effort is governed by only solving elliptic problems on lower-dimensional domains. A zero-th order tensor approximation is derived by using tools from asymptotic analysis (method 1). The resulting approximation is an elementary tensor and, hence has a fixed error which turns out to be very close to the best possible approximation of zero-th order. This approximation can be used as a starting guess for the derivation of higher-order tensor approximations by a greedy-type method (method 2). Numerical experiments show that this method is converging towards the exact solution. Method 3 is based on the derivation of a tensor approximation via exponential sums applied to discretized differential operators and their inverses. It can be proved that this method converges exponentially with respect to the tensor rank. We present numerical experiments which compare the performance and sensitivity of these three methods.