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A new mouse mutant with cleavage-resistant versican and isoform-specific versican mutants demonstrate that proteolysis at the Glu 441-Ala 442 peptide bond in the V1 isoform is essential for interdigital web regression

Nandadasa, Sumeda; Burin des Roziers, Cyril; Koch, Christopher; Tran-Lundmark, Karin; Dours-Zimmermann, María T; Zimmermann, Dieter R; Valleix, Sophie; Apte, Suneel S (2021). A new mouse mutant with cleavage-resistant versican and isoform-specific versican mutants demonstrate that proteolysis at the Glu 441-Ala 442 peptide bond in the V1 isoform is essential for interdigital web regression. Matrix Biology Plus, 10:100064.


Two inherent challenges in the mechanistic interpretation of protease-deficient phenotypes are defining the specific substrate cleavages whose reduction generates the phenotypes and determining whether the phenotypes result from loss of substrate function, substrate accumulation, or loss of a function(s) embodied in the substrate fragments. Hence, recapitulation of a protease-deficient phenotype by a cleavage-resistant substrate would stringently validate the importance of a proteolytic event and clarify the underlying mechanisms. Versican is a large proteoglycan required for development of the circulatory system and proper limb development, and is cleaved by ADAMTS proteases at the Glu441-Ala442 peptide bond located in its alternatively spliced GAGβ domain. Specific ADAMTS protease mutants have impaired interdigit web regression leading to soft tissue syndactyly that is associated with reduced versican proteolysis. Versikine, the N-terminal proteolytic fragment generated by this cleavage, restores interdigit apoptosis in ADAMTS mutant webs. Here, we report a new mouse transgene, Vcan AA, with validated mutations in the GAGβ domain that specifically abolish this proteolytic event. Vcan AA/AA mice have partially penetrant hindlimb soft tissue syndactyly. However, Adamts20 inactivation in Vcan AA/AA mice leads to fully penetrant, more severe syndactyly affecting all limbs, suggesting that ADAMTS20 cleavage of versican at other sites or of other substrates is an additional requirement for web regression. Indeed, immunostaining with a neoepitope antibody against a cleavage site in the versican GAGα domain demonstrated reduced staining in the absence of ADAMTS20. Significantly, mice with deletion of Vcan exon 8, encoding the GAGβ domain, consistently developed soft tissue syndactyly, whereas mice unable to include exon 7, encoding the GAGα domain in Vcan transcripts, consistently had fully separated digits. These findings suggest that versican is cleaved within each GAG-bearing domain during web regression, and affirms that proteolysis in the GAGβ domain, via generation of versikine, has an essential role in interdigital web regression.

Additional indexing

Item Type:Journal Article, refereed, original work
Communities & Collections:04 Faculty of Medicine > University Hospital Zurich > Institute of Pathology and Molecular Pathology
Dewey Decimal Classification:610 Medicine & health
Scopus Subject Areas:Life Sciences > Biophysics
Life Sciences > Biochemistry
Health Sciences > Histology
Life Sciences > Molecular Biology
Life Sciences > Genetics
Life Sciences > Cell Biology
Date:June 2021
Deposited On:26 Aug 2021 16:47
Last Modified:14 Dec 2024 04:38
OA Status:Gold
Free access at:PubMed ID. An embargo period may apply.
Publisher DOI:
PubMed ID:34195596
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  • Content: Published Version
  • Licence: Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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