The two-process model of sleep posits that two processes interact to regulate sleep and wake: a homeostatic (Process S) and a circadian process (Process C). Process S compensates for sleep loss by increasing sleep duration and intensity. Process C gates the timing of sleep/wake favouring sleep during the circadian night in humans. In this study, we examined whether taking six naps throughout a 24-hr period would result in the same amount of dissipation of homeostatic pressure at the end of the day as a night of sleep, when time in bed is equivalent. Data from 46 participants (10-23 years; mean = 14.5 [± 2.9]; 25 females) were analysed. Slow-wave energy, normalized to account for individual differences in slow-wave activity, was used as a measure of sleep homeostasis. In the nap condition, slow-wave energy of six naps distributed equally during a 24-hr period was calculated. In the baseline condition, slow-wave energy was measured after 9-hr time in bed. A paired t-test was used to compare nap and baseline conditions. A linear regression was used to examine whether slow-wave energy varied as a function of age. Slow-wave energy was greater during baseline than the nap condition (p < .001). No association between age and slow-wave energy was found for baseline or nap conditions. Our findings indicate that multiple naps throughout the day are not as effective at dissipating sleep pressure as a night of sleep. This is likely due to the influence of the circadian system, which staves off sleep during certain times of the day.