Sleep is crucial to restore body functions and metabolism across nearly all tissues and cells, and sleep restriction is linked to various metabolic dysfunctions in humans. Using exhaled breath analysis by secondary electrospray ionization high-resolution mass spectrometry, we measured the human exhaled metabolome at 10-s resolution across a night of sleep in combination with conventional polysomnography. Our subsequent analysis of almost 2,000 metabolite features demonstrates rapid, reversible control of major metabolic pathways by the individual vigilance states. Within this framework, whereas a switch to wake reduces fatty acid oxidation, a switch to slow-wave sleep increases it, and the transition to rapid eye movement sleep results in elevation of tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle intermediates. Thus, in addition to daily regulation of metabolism, there exists a surprising and complex underlying orchestration across sleep and wake. Both likely play an important role in optimizing metabolic circuits for human performance and health.