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Towards a hierarchical indoor data model from a route perspective

Zhou, Zhiyong; Weibel, Robert; Richter, Kai-Florian; Huang, Haosheng (2021). Towards a hierarchical indoor data model from a route perspective. In: LBS 2021: 16th International Conference on Location Based Services, Glasgow (online), 24 November 2021 - 25 November 2021. Technische Universität Wien, 1-4.


In mobile navigation systems, an appropriate level of detail of the route instructions provided is important for navigation users to understand, memorise, and follow routes. However, few existing indoor navigation systems are capable of providing route instructions with multiple levels of detail. To close this gap, it is critical to model indoor environments with multiple granularities for route instructions to be generated on varying levels of detail. We propose a hierarchical model for route instructions in multi-storey buildings by allowing for representing actions (i.e., turning left or right, and going straight) in conceptualising route instructions. As a proof of concept, a case study is being conducted to present the feasibility of the proposed hierarchical model.

Additional indexing

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper), not_refereed, original work
Communities & Collections:07 Faculty of Science > Institute of Geography
Dewey Decimal Classification:910 Geography & travel
Event End Date:25 November 2021
Deposited On:08 Dec 2021 08:26
Last Modified:25 May 2022 07:08
Publisher:Technische Universität Wien
Additional Information:LBS 2021: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Location Based Services
OA Status:Green
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Download PDF  'Towards a hierarchical indoor data model from a route perspective'.
  • Content: Published Version
  • Language: English
  • Licence: Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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