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Statement on in vitro protein digestibility tests in allergenicity and protein safety assessment of genetically modified plants


This statement supplements and updates the GMO Panel guidance document on allergenicity of genetically modified (GM) plants published in 2017. In that guidance document, the GMO Panel considered that additional investigations on in vitro protein digestibility were needed before providing any additional recommendations in the form of guidance to applicants. Thus, an interim phase was proposed to assess the utility of an enhanced in vitro digestion test, as compared to the classical pepsin resistance test. Historically, resistance to degradation by pepsin using the classical pepsin resistance test has been considered as additional information, in a weight-of-evidence approach, for the assessment of allergenicity and toxicity of newly expressed proteins in GM plants. However, more recent evidence does not support this test as a good predictor of allergenic potential for hazard. Furthermore, there is a need for more reliable systems to predict the fate of the proteins in the gastrointestinal tract and how they interact with the relevant human cells. Nevertheless, the classical pepsin resistance test can still provide some information on the physicochemical properties of novel proteins relating to their stability under acidic conditions. But other methods can be used to obtain data on protein's structural and/or functional integrity. It is acknowledged that the classical pepsin resistance test is embedded into international guidelines, e.g. Codex Alimentarius and Regulation (EU) No 503/2013. For future development, a deeper understanding of protein digestion in the gastrointestinal tract could enable the framing of more robust strategies for the safety assessment of proteins. Given the high complexity of the digestion and absorption process of dietary proteins, it is needed to clarify and identify the aspects that could be relevant to assess potential risks of allergenicity and toxicity of proteins. To this end, a series of research questions to be addressed are also formulated in this statement.

Additional indexing

Item Type:Journal Article, refereed, original work
Communities & Collections:05 Vetsuisse Faculty > Veterinärwissenschaftliches Institut > Institute of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology
Dewey Decimal Classification:570 Life sciences; biology
Scopus Subject Areas:Life Sciences > Parasitology
Life Sciences > Food Science
Life Sciences > Microbiology
Life Sciences > Animal Science and Zoology
Health Sciences > Veterinary (miscellaneous)
Life Sciences > Plant Science
Date:January 2021
Deposited On:27 Jan 2022 16:26
Last Modified:26 Dec 2024 02:41
Publisher:European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), Parma
OA Status:Gold
Free access at:PubMed ID. An embargo period may apply.
Publisher DOI:
PubMed ID:33473251
Download PDF  'Statement on in vitro protein digestibility tests in allergenicity and protein safety assessment of genetically modified plants'.
  • Content: Published Version
  • Language: English
  • Licence: Creative Commons: Attribution-No Derivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0)

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