This article presents the entries of the letter E from the Vocabolario del romanescocontemporaneo (VRC), conceived by P. D’Achille and C. Giovanardi in the early 2000’s and then enriched with an extensive etymological section, edited by V. Faraoni and M. Loporcaro. The VRC, of which two sample volumes have so far been published, containing the entries from the letters I, J (2016) and B (2018), aims to collect and scientifically analyse the lexicon of the dialect and regional Italian of Rome from the second half of the 20th century onwards, adopting the synchronic perspective that previous Romanesco lexicography, mainly of an amateur bent, has neglected and which instead proves to be useful both in filling various gaps and above all in grasping the vitality of present-day Romanesco, also in terms of vocabulary.