Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is characterized by a recurrent pattern of negativistic, hostile, and defiant behavior toward authorities, while children and adolescents with conduct disorder (CD) present a recurrent and persistent pattern of behavior that violates the basic rights of others, rules, and norms. Disruptive behavior disorders, or even more general aggression, have been found to represent a highly stable pattern of behavior, especially in children who show high levels of conduct problems. Conditions comorbid with CD and ODD may resemble different levels of severity of the disorder and generally result in a higher degree of impairment. School-based interventions for ODD/CD are often conceptualized as preventive interventions. Multidimensional treatment foster care (MTFC) is an evidence-based, time-limited intervention that aims to improve the behavior of antisocial children in out-of-home care. Based on social learning theory, MTFC aims to reduce antisocial behavior and to promote prosocial behavior.