This chapter examines how Taiwan’s written media justified the state’s introduction of funeral reforms in the second half of the twentieth century. Situating this case study within the broader sociopolitical context of contemporary Taiwan, it illustrates how discourse analysis can be used as a tool for studying change. The state-led reforms induced changes in a field in which religious rituals play an important role, as state authorities operated with priorities differing from ritual practice. Instead, they were concerned with measures for land saving and popularized practices such as cremation or natural burials. The discourse analysis reveals that the justifications brought forward for reforms appeared with a high degree of consistency starting from the late 1970s in Taiwanese press articles. Following Michel Foucault’s understanding of discursive formations, four sub-formations can be distinguished, which all have in common that they are aimed at problematizing ritual practices prevalent at funerals. These sub-formations consisted of considerations concerning the quantitative limits of available cemetery land for graves, arguments referring to the economic advantages of cremation, articulations of the ideal of green cemeteries designed in a park-like fashion, and a critique of geomancy in labeling it superstitious. The discursive voices emerging in the sub-formations were state and local authorities, as well as experts and journalists commenting on reform measures. These priorities and justifications for reforms appeared to be incompatible with religious funeral rituals and are analyzed as changes in terms of a secularization process of Taiwan’s funerary practice. An important finding is that the secular reform measures were, to a large extent, inspired by similar reforms in other regions in the world, and are as such part of a global pattern.