The formation of Uranus' regular moons has been suggested to be linked to the origin of its enormous spin axial tilt (~98o). A giant impact between proto-Uranus and a 2–3 MEarth impactor could lead to a large tilt and to the formation of an impact generated disc, where prograde and circular satellites are accreted. The most intriguing features of the current regular Uranian satellite system is that it possesses a positive trend in the mass-distance distribution and likely also in the bulk density, implying that viscous spreading of the disc after the giant impact plays a crucial role in shaping the architecture of the final system. In this paper, we investigate the formation of Uranus' satellites by combining results of SPH simulations for the giant impact, a 1D semi-analytic disc model for viscous spreading of the post-impact disc, and N-body simulations for the assembly of satellites from a disc of moonlets. Assuming the condensed rock (i.e., silicate) remains small and available to stick onto the relatively rapid growing condensed water-ice, we find that the best case in reproducing the observed mass and bulk composition of Uranus' satellite system is a pure-rocky impactor with 3 MEarth colliding with the young Uranus with an impact parameter b = 0.75. Such an oblique collision could also naturally explain Uranus' large tilt and possibly, its low internal heat flux. The giant impact scenario can naturally explain the key features of Uranus and its regular moons. We therefore suggest that the Uranian satellite system formed as a result of an impact rather than from a circumplanetary disc. Our results also suggest that objects beyond the water snow-line could be dominated by rocky objects similar to Pluto and Triton. Future missions to Uranus and its satellite system would further constrain the properties of Uranus and its moons and provide further insight on their formation processes.