We study Ruan's cohomological crepant resolution conjecture [41] for orbifolds with transversal ADE singularities. In the An-case, we compute both the Chen–Ruan cohomology ring and the quantum corrected cohomology ring H*(Z)(q1,…,qn). The former is achieved in general, the later up to some additional, technical assumptions. We construct an explicit isomorphism between and H*(Z)(-1) in the A1-case, verifying Ruan's conjecture. In the An-case, the family H*(Z)(q1,…,qn) is not defined for q1 = ⋯ = qn = -1. This implies that the conjecture should be slightly modified. We propose a new conjecture in the An-case (Conjecture 1.9). Finally, we prove Conjecture 1.9 in the A2-case by constructing an explicit isomorphism.