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Species interactions in three Lemnaceae species growing along a gradient of zinc pollution

Lanthemann, Lorena; van Moorsel, Sofia J (2022). Species interactions in three Lemnaceae species growing along a gradient of zinc pollution. Ecology and Evolution, 12(2):e8646.


Duckweeds (Lemnaceae) are increasingly studied for their potential for phytoremediation of heavy-metal polluted water bodies. A prerequisite for metal removal, however, is the tolerance of the organism to the pollutant, e.g., the metal zinc (Zn). Duckweeds have been shown to differ in their tolerances to Zn; however, despite them most commonly co-occurring with other species, there is a lack of research concerning the effect of species interactions on Zn tolerance. Here, we tested whether the presence of a second species influenced the growth rate of the three duckweed species Lemna minor, Lemna gibba, and Lemna turionifera. We used four different Zn concentrations in a replicated microcosm experiment under sterile conditions, either growing the species in isolation or in a two-species mixture. The response to Zn differed between species, but all three species showed a high tolerance to Zn, with low levels of Zn even increasing the growth rates. The growth rates of the individual species were influenced by the identity of the competing species, but this was independent of the Zn concentration. Our results suggest that species interactions should be considered in future research with duckweeds and that several duckweed species have high tolerance to metal pollution, making them candidates for phytoremediation efforts.

Additional indexing

Item Type:Journal Article, refereed, original work
Communities & Collections:07 Faculty of Science > Institute of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies
08 Research Priority Programs > Global Change and Biodiversity
Dewey Decimal Classification:570 Life sciences; biology
590 Animals (Zoology)
Scopus Subject Areas:Life Sciences > Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
Physical Sciences > Ecology
Physical Sciences > Nature and Landscape Conservation
Date:1 February 2022
Deposited On:01 Mar 2022 12:13
Last Modified:27 Jan 2025 02:37
Publisher:Wiley Open Access
OA Status:Gold
Free access at:PubMed ID. An embargo period may apply.
Publisher DOI:
PubMed ID:35222985
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  • Licence: Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Download PDF  'Species interactions in three Lemnaceae species growing along a gradient of zinc pollution'.
  • Content: Accepted Version
  • Language: English

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